The GraceVine
Thanks for subscribing to the Grace Church GraceVine! Below you will find a few highlights of what’s happening in the life of our Church Family. For more information, feel free to reply to this email, visit us online, or talk to someone personally. We hope to see you at Grace this weekend!
Family Worship Weekend - This Sunday!
One of our prayerful desires is that God would use Grace Church to help families worship together. One small way we hope to encourage this will happen this Sunday, March 8. During both worship services, we are encouraging families with children 4 years old and above to join us and sit together as a family. We hope you can join us for this special event!
Chili Cook-Off - This Sunday!
Our fifth annual Chili Cook-off will be held downstairs after the 11:15 am service this Sunday. Bring a chili, bread, salad, or a dessert. Drinks will be provided. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend!
Chosen Hope Informational Panel
On Sunday, March 29 during the 11:15 am service, Chosen Hope is hosting an informational panel of guest speakers representing four different agencies in Oakland County that are seeking to help vulnerable people, including Crossroads Pregnancy Care Center, Michigan Faith Community Coalition, Care House, and Hope Against Trafficking. The event will last for an hour and a half downstairs in the Impact Room, with time for questions at the end. There will be childcare available through our regular Sunday morning children’s programming. Because of some of the sensitive topics that will be discussed, children under the age of 12 should NOT attend this event. Please let us know if you will be attending by signing up at the Information Booth in the Lobby no later than Sunday, March 22. Spaces are limited. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Katie Cronenwett (kcronenwett@gmail.com or 248-804-7478)!
Baby Dedication
We are a “growing” church family! If you’ve recently had a baby and are thinking about having your child dedicated to the Lord, please let us know by indicating your interest on a Connect Card or email us at info@gracechurchinfo.net. Thanks!
Join a Community Group
Being a part of a Community Group is a great way to make meaningful connections with others at Grace. Our Community Groups are open for anyone to attend and take place at a variety of times and locations. To explore the possibilities for you, pick up a sheet at the Information Booth in the Lobby or visit our website - and let us know if we can help you plug in!
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