Student Ministries
Impact Students at the end of our annual Fall Retreat!
Student Ministries
We provide a program for students in middle and high school. Everything Student Ministries does is filtered through the vision of Grace Church. Both CrossRoads and Impact exist to help students find life in Christ, connect with each other, and engage with the world around them. In order to do this, our programs are built to assist parents in the spiritual discipleship of their students.
Our program is divided into two areas:
CrossRoads (6-8 grade)
Crossroads is a haven of friendship and Godly perspective for students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Not only do we learn about God, but we have a great time doing it... while eating an abundant amount of snacks.
We also have two yearly events that you won’t want to miss! Our Winter Escape Retreat and a Summer Mission trip.
Impact (9-12 grade)
Impact is a group of broken people who have found meaning and purpose through God in everyday life. We get together to think deep, grow, seek to make a difference, and to have a great time together!
Impact is designed to provide students with a taste of what it means to develop a deep, personal relationship with God and others, while living in a real world.
We also have two yearly events that you won’t want to miss! Our Fall Retreat and our Student Mission trip.
At a Glance
Sunday mornings
at 11:15 am
CrossRoads & Impact AM
Both groups meet during our 11:15am service.
Evening programs
CrossRoads (Grades 6-8 )
Meets several Wednesdays a month from 7-8:30pm downstairs in the Fellowship Hall.
See this month’s Crossroads schedule!
Impact (Grades 9-12)
Meets most Sunday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm in the Impact Room.
See this month’s Impact schedule!
For more information, please contact Will Wilson.