Current Series: Legacy... Pay it Forward

Every person, every family, and every church leaves a legacy. Who we are and what we do has been shaped by those who came ahead of us and will be caught by those who follow behind. Like a relay-runner, we receive the baton only for a short time before passing it along to the next racer.

In this 8-part series, we'll take a journey through the book of 1 Thessalonians and get to know a church that left a mark on the next generation. They weren't perfect, but they did a lot of things right. Our hope is to learn together from their example and to consider how our lives, our families and our church can take the legacy we've received and pay it forward.

We hope to see you each Sunday morning this summer at 9:30a or 11:15a!


Listen to last week's message:

Here's a look at some of our previous series: