Grace Church Volunteer Opportunities
Buddy Break—Buddy Break is a free respite program for families with children who have special needs. On the second Saturday of every month (except August), parents drop off these children and their younger siblings to Grace Church from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Each child is paired with a buddy and together they participate in games, music, crafts and other fun activities while the parents are free to spend a few precious hours alone. Volunteers often serve at Buddy Break either as a buddy to a child with special needs or as a buddy to a younger sibling. No previous experience with special needs children is needed as we provide a two hour training program.
There are also a variety of ways to serve in which volunteers do not have direct contact with any children including set-up on Thursday evening and clean up on Saturday afternoon.
Contact: Dan Carr at (248) 310-7803 or carrsboats@comcast.net if you are interested in helping with set up on Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m., or to help clean up on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. This is usually about a 1 1⁄2 hour commitment for these positions.
Steve Lobb at (248) 342-7952 or stevelobb@comcast.net, or
Kim Fitzpatrick (248) 872-2904 or kgfitz1@gmail.com for more information about Buddy Break.

Cedarbrook Estates Homework Helpers—The Cedarbrook Estates Homework Help Ministry provides weekly homework help to K-12, middle school, and high school students in the Cedarbrook Estates community. We hope to help meet a felt need in our community, build healthy relationships with students and parents, and speak boldly of Jesus whenever possible. If you are interested in reaching out to kids by being an example of Jesus Christ and helping them to succeed academically, then the Cedar Brook Homework Help Ministry could be a great way for you to serve.
Helpers can commit to as much as every week or as little as once every month or two.
Contact: Trish Brown at brownstrish222@gmail.com for more information.
Can a Month - “Can a Month” is designed to provide food to needy families in our community throughout the year. On the first Sunday of the month, everyone is invited to bring items for the food boxes. The list of of items needed can be found at the Information Desk and Community Life board. Thanks in advance for your help with this community project! Contact: Tammy Heiman at rtheiman@juno.com or 248.505.3272
Cedarbrook Estates Outreach—The Cedarbrook Estates Outreach Ministry exists to care for the residents that live in the mobile home park, with the end goal being to reach as many as possible with the good news of the Gospel. This is done by building relationships with the residents through various sub-ministries, such as Bible studies, homework help for students, and yearly picnics. Also included are projects we do to help the residents accomplish things they would not be able to do on their own, either financially or physically. Please read the bulletin or listen for special announcements in services for opportunities to serve or contact
Contact: ToddWestermanat(248)9905104or twesterman@imagesoftinc.com.
Please Note: To protect our smallest treasures, everyone working in children’s ministry must have a background check and work in pairs.
Nursery—If you are a person who loves holding babies and caring for their needs, then this is the place for you! Our nursery is open for both the 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services. We need 2 servants for each service. The commitment is once a month for a year.
Servants need to arrive 15 minutes prior to service start time Contact: Kathlene Talladay at (734) 383-1212 or k.talladay@gmail.com.
Toddlers—Does reading books, play dough, and really cute 2-4 year olds appeal to you? If so, we need you to serve our little ones. The Toddler Room is open at both the 9:30 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services. We need 2 servants for each service. The commitment is once a month for a year.
Servants need to arrive 15 minutes prior to service start time Contact: Sue Gilson at (248) 467-6969, or email her at snjgilson@yahoo.om
Kingdom Kids: 9:30 a.m. Service—Are you an early riser? Do you
love to teach and interact with elementary aged kids? Then we have the spot for you! Using fantastic curriculum, we need 2 teachers per age group (4 years–K and 1st-3rd) each week. Depending on how many teaching teams we have, the commitment is once every 3 or 4 weeks for a year.
Contact: Jennifer Bell at (248)887-3700 or (248)889-2015,or email her at jbell@gracechurchinfo.net.
Kingdom Kids: 11:15 a.m. Service—This is more of a contemporary gathering with large group teaching and small group application activities and discussions. We staff this service with shepherds who facilitate the small group time. This position has very low prep so you are free to engage the kids. We need 3 shepherd teams each week. The commitment is every other week for a year.
Contact: Jennifer Bell at (248)887-3700 or (248)889-2015,or email her at jbell@gracechurchinfo.net.
Kingdom Kids Music Team—Does the sound of children singing make your heart happy? Do you have an instrument you are itching to play? We need you! We play live worship music at both services and would love to add musicians. Commitment would vary as needed and your availability.
Contact: Mark & Therese Ross at (248)363-3275 or markross0209@comcast.net or John Drake at (248)672-1483 or jdrake1972@comcast.net
Starting Line—This is our ministry to 4th and 5th grade students. We meet during the 11:15 a.m. service. If you love teaching and playing group games like dodge ball, this ministry is for you! Two servant leaders are needed for each week.
Commitment is once a month for a year.
Contact: Julie Jump at (810) 714-0802 or jjump308@gmail.com
Children’s Ministries Registration/Greeters—This is a new position beginning in 2014. If you have administrative gifts and love to make people feel welcome, this is the place where you are needed. Duties would include checking children in and out of their classroom, answering questions and welcoming children and their parents.
Commitment yet to be determined based on number of servants we have sign-up.
Contact: Jennifer Bell at (248)887-3700 or (248)889-2015,or email her at jbell@gracechurchinfo.net.
CrossRoads—This is our middle school student ministry. We meet every Sunday morning at the 11:15 a.m. service, and every other Thursday throughout the month. If you love being around students and have a passion for sharing life with the youth in our church, this ministry could be for you!
Contact: Devin Dunn at ddunn@gracechurchinfo.net to volunteer or for more information.
IMPACT—This is our high school ministry and it is our leaderships desire that our student ministry leaders grow alongside the students they work with within this age group and therefore we expect that Impact leaders will begin by leading or assisting in CrossRoads and later progress to this level as their student group moves into Impact.

Funeral Meals—When the church is notified of a funeral or memorial service, the Funeral Meals team coordinator is contacted by one of the pastors. The coordinator then contacts those who have volunteered to make a dish for a meal following the funeral service. Volunteers also help with setup, gathering food and materials, and cleanup. This ministry has been very encouraging to those who are facing the loss of a loved one.
Contact: SheilaConnollyat(248)231-0070or joconnolly@comcast.net.
Grace Garden Club—This team volunteers in the Spring/Summer/Fall in planting and maintaining the flowers and plants around the front of the building and on the island at the entrance.
Contact: Gina Epley at (248) 790-9771 or ginaepley@gmail.com for more information.
Meal Ministry—This ministry helps those who are not already in a Community Group and are suffering with illness or the loss of a family member and could use the loving touch of home cooked meals.
Contact: Nancy Skelley at (248)8899334 or nanothesewingmom@aol.com
Mom’s Group—The Mom’s Group meets every Thursday at 10:00 a.m. in the Connections Room at Grace. Babysitters are needed to help with childcare during their meetings.
Contact: Katie Cronenwett at (248) 804-7478 or kcronenwett@gmail.com for more information.
Sanctuary Nursing Home Service—One Saturday per month, Grace Church sponsors a service for the residents of the Sanctuary. They are given encouragement through a Bible study, discussion, and singing. The residents may also enjoy additional personal visits if time allows. The servant’s responsibilities can include assisting residents to and from their rooms, music, companionship, and relationship building. Our need is for 10-12 shepherds, commitment can vary with your availability.
Contact: Kathy Adriansen at (248) 496-0344 or kathyadriansen@comcast.net
Our lobby is a busy place and we want to make sure that everyone who visits Grace as a newcomer feels wanted and welcome. The next few servant areas are very important as they are the first contact with visitors. It is our desire with these servant areas to provide our visitors with a warm and welcoming experience at Grace...
Greeters—Greeters for each service should arrive 15 minutes prior to the service they are able to serve at and stay at the front door until 5 minutes after the service start time. Greeters welcome everyone at the door and help to identify newcomers so that they can be assisted by a person at the information counter. We would like to assemble two person teams for a month long commitment to this important ministry.
Contact: Karen Gordinier at (248) 685-0125 or kgord1229@aol.com for 9:30 service, and Kathy Schwartz at (248) 684-1044 or redskin31@comcast.net for 11:15 service.
Information Counter—These servants work the information counter on Sunday mornings and assist our regular attendees and/or guests with any questions they have. They provide information on current projects, events and sign-up lists, they assist greeters helping newcomers navigate our church building, and much more. These servers should plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to service.
Contact: Paul Cronenwett at (248) 383-5638 or pcronenwett@gracechurchinfo.net
Coffee & Refreshments—Coffee and refreshment volunteers arrive at 8:30 a.m. (for the first service) or 10:15 a.m. (for the second service) to assist in setting up the coffee, tea, cookie tables, and they help by cleaning up the tables following the end of services.
Contact: Randy Westerman at (248) 896-3033 or jlfs@comcast.net for more detailed information.
Cookie Team—Volunteers on the cookie team make 12 dozen small cookies each Sunday. Commitment can vary from once a month to once every 3 months.
Contact: Kara Bretzlaff at (248) 842-0113 or karamisu@hotmail.com.
Ushering—Ushers need to arrive 20 minutes before each service in order to help prepare the auditorium for worship, welcome people as they arrive, assist with the offering and attend to any special needs, comfort issues, or other needs which will enhance the overall worship experience. Commitment in this ministry currently involves serving at one service, two months of the year. Generally we can work a persons’ serving schedule around their personal schedule. Men, women, and couples are all encouraged to serve.
Contact: Frank Cronenwett at (248) 921-9247 or frank.cronenwett@gmail.com.
Sound Control—Assisting with the soundboard is for anyone who has an ear and interest for sound. No experience required and volunteers will be trained over the course of a few Sundays. Volunteers usually serve both services once per month.
Contact: Roy DeFauw at (586) 944-4539 or mrstormanderson@gmail.com.
Slide/Video—This team assists with running Power Point presentations during our services. Computer experience is helpful, but not necessary. Volunteers serve during both services about once per month.
Contact: Brandon Bellanti at (248) 887-3700 or brandonbellanti@gmail.com
Snow Shoveling—We are looking for anyone who is willing to serve by shoveling and applying ice-melt to the entrance and sidewalk as needed during the winter months. This would need to be done prior to 9:30 a.m. service on Sundays and maintained during the morning if snow continues to fall. Shovels and ice melt will be provided—volunteers just need a good back and warm coat.
Contact: Jay Gordinier at (248) 685-0125or (248) 330-3061or email him at senior@gordiniergroup.com if you are interested in having your name put on a contact list.
World Missions (WMT)—The World Ministries Team of Grace Church is a group of dedicated Christ-followers committed to developing and implementing a plan to help the church fulfill its vision to prayerfully nurture, identify, deploy, and support cross cultural missionaries in order to participate in fulfilling Jesus Christ's Great Commission. Responsibilities of the WMT include: educating the church community about missions; developing educational tools such as conferences, classes, and written materials; providing short term missions trips for adults and students; helping the church community to become more informed and passionate about praying for missions, raising up people within the Grace church family to prepare and support as cross-cultural missionaries. Please pick up a copy of Grace Church World Missions Policies on the information wall for more details.
Contact: Tom Lewellen at (248) 887-3700 or tlewellen@gracechurchinfo.net for more information on being a part of the WMT.
Home Missions Team (HMT)—Our mission is to support Grace Church in reaching surrounding communities through planning and implementing interactive programs or events that both prepare and engage the church body in evangelism and pre-evangelism. After identifying and evaluating candidate ministries we recruit a leader for that ministry and assist in developing it. The leader is then assisted by HMT during start up and then we move on to the next candidate.
Contact: RogerMcFallat(248)8875865or(248)7621972,or email him at rogermcfall@comcast.net.
Creative Arts Camp—Creative Arts Camp is an annual summer event for children age 4 years through 5th grade. It takes place in June for 5 evenings, Monday through Friday. There is music, drama, Bible teaching, games, snacks and lots of fun. The unique factor of camp is the children are taught how to make projects from people in our church family. Camp culminates with a huge family night on Friday with dinner, drama, outdoor games and our Silent Auction and craft bazaar.
We need more than 100 volunteers to successfully provide camp. There are multiple ways to serve including:
Registration Snack Games Photography Classroom Helpers, Friday Night Dinner, Administrative, Music, Drama, Set Design, Classroom Project Leaders, Friday Night Games
A volunteer can work the whole week or a couple days depending on their schedule. This is a GREAT outreach into our community and fantastic place to serve.
Contact: MaryKayMezakat(248)887-3700or(248)363-2952, or email her at mkmezak@gracechurchinfo.net, or Jennifer Bell at (248) 887-3700 or (248) 889 2015, or email her at jenni4bell@aol.com.
Picnic In The Park [Cedarbrook Estates]—The Picnic in the Park is an annual ministry to provide an opportunity for Cedarbrook Estates residents to get a taste of Grace Church. On one summer night a picnic is put on at Cedarbrook’s clubhouse that includes a hot dog dinner and various games and activities for the children. Attenders of Grace are asked to donate many of the food items that are needed to put on the picnic. They are also asked to volunteer to run the picnic, helping with everything to cooking the food, running the activities, and most importantly, interacting with residents from the neighborhood, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. This ministry is used as an outreach event to invite people from Cedarbrook Estates to Grace and also provide an opportunity to starting building relationships with the people there hoping to lead others to Christ in our local community.
Contact: Todd Westerman at (248) 990-5104or twesterman@imagesoftinc.com.
Grace Church Picnic—is our annual family event usually held late August or early September. Needs for servants for this event include the following areas: Pre-event (6 people): Pick up chairs, tables, supplies from church building before picnic Sunday set-up (10 people): Set up tent, chairs, etc., at 7:00 a.m. Cover & arrange tables, Set up drinks, Start and maintain grill. Post Event (14 people): Take down tent, chairs, etc., cleanup, transport equipment to church and unload
clean coolers and pans at church and store.
Contact: John Skelley at(248 )420-2314or johncskelley@aol.com.